Friday, January 24, 2014

Adding Post Links To Pages/Nav Bar

Did you know that when you go to Pages, which is in fact what goes up in your navigation bar, you can link to another URL. Or you can link to posts within your own blog. 

Let's say you wanted to add a post to a Kitchens page. Go to your post. Click on the post title, just like you would to join a party. Highlight it. 

Now go to Design>Pages. Choose Kitchens to edit.

Go up to the top of the page. This is the same as where you post. Click on Link. Whatever you want to be linked, say: Kitchen Cleaning Short Cuts, put Kitchen Cleaning Short Cuts in the top space. Which says: Text To Display.

Then below it, paste what you have copied from your browser bar. I always check to make sure that's where it goes to. That's one of the greatest things I like about Blogger, this feature called: Check This Link.

If it goes to the right place, click OK. 

Or another way to do it is to go ahead and put Kitchen Cleaning Short Cuts on your page as you want it to look. Highlight that and link it. You are skipping the step of putting something in the top space. Because it will already be there.

Now when you go to that page, which will go in your navigation bar, you should see Kitchen Cleaning Short Cuts on your Kitchen page, not the URL to it. You have linked the URL. Now anyone can click on Kitchen Cleaning Short Cuts and be taken straight to the post you have written for it.

If you have any trouble, or if this is confusing, let me know. 

That's it! 

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