Sunday, July 13, 2014

Reduce Space Between Date & Post Title

I know I haven't posted here in quite some time. Somehow all the tips dried up and I was busy making this place a home. But today I have one for you I figured out yesterday for Cozy Little House. 

Sometimes I feel like the space between the date and the post title is too wide. So I figured out how to reduce a bit of it. You can choose the numbers you're most comfortable with. Play around with it. I sure do!

I had to hit the space bar after I pasted the code to make it work. 

Here goes: 

Go to Design>Customize>Advanced>Add CSS.

In the CSS box, paste: { 
margin-top: -5px !important; 

Hit space bar once. You're done!

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  1. Thanks for the tip!
    Betty @ My Cozy Corner

  2. thanks! this tip was just what I needed!

  3. I used this great tip on

  4. Thanks Brenda,

    I just did it on now and it worked fine!

  5. This code is very helpful, but it only seems to work on the most recent post, or when you have one post per page. Do you know how to make this work for every post?

