Monday, January 6, 2014

When You Can't Get A Space Between Paragraphs

Do you ever write a post on Blogger and for some strange reason, when you go to Preview it, there are no spaces between the paragraphs? Use to drive me crazy. Just occasionally happens, but now I've figured out how to fix it before I publish it. 

This is the first few paragraphs of what I posted yesterday. I'll tell you why I'm showing it to you after you look at it: 

 <div style="text-align: left;">
Why do you need to set aside some time for housekeeping on your blog? Because, over time, it begins to look cluttered. Thus, it will make it harder for readers to find what they need. And you want your blog to look great so you'll get more readers.</div>
<br />
<div style="text-align: left;">
<div style="text-align: left;">
So first, let's look at the content/post area. Do you have photos overlapping your sidebar? This says immediately to whoever is reading: I don't take time to fix things like this. Which then makes your reader think: Then why should I take time to read this?</div>
<br />
<div style="text-align: left;">

See what I've highlighted in yellow? That is the break for a space. I just looked it over till it became clear to me what it meant.

So if you have a post that, when you Preview it, doesn't have any spaces between the paragraphs and looks all smooshed up together, and if you don't mind trying this, I want you to go to the top of the page in Edit (where you can edit what you've written before you Publish, or even after you Publish) and you will see this:

Compose | HTML

Switch from Compose to HTML. Then you will see something like I've showed you above with the yellow highlights. 

Look at the first paragraph. See that it has </div> at the end of it? Well, that's where the highlighted code comes in. Just hit enter and type <br />. I want you to notice that there is one space. And that is between the r and the /. These things are very important in HTML. 

Then go down to the next paragraph. When you see </div> again, hit enter and put another <br />. No, you don't need to highlight it. I just did that for teaching purposes. 

I don't know if it would matter if  you put this at the end of the line with the </div> on it. But I don't want to make a mistake and accidentally erase something. So I just put it on another line by itself. 

Does this make sense? If it doesn't, let me know. 

That's it!

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  1. Love this tip! I've had this happen before and keep adding "enter" and it doesn't work! Now I know what to do! Thanks Brenda! Also I commented the other day on how to edit labels, or get rid of some (in your housecleaning post). Would love to hear your ideas/comments on that as I have way too many labels!

  2. Yes, I've had this happen, as well as having big gaps between lines that don't appear on my draft. Thanks, Brenda!
