Friday, January 3, 2014

Center Tabs Under Blog Header With CSS

Sometimes the tabs start to look disorganized under your blog header. But there is a fix to center them and make it look great. 

Go to Layout>Design>Customize>Advanced>Add CSS.

In the CSS box, copy and paste the code below.

.tabs {text-align:center !important;}
.tabs li {display:inline !important; float:none !important;}

Hit the space key. It should center then.

Click save. 

That's it!

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  1. Hi Brenda. My little dillies have always been off center and I didn't know what to do. I did what you said, but they stayed the same way. I deleted what I had and copied in the code. Maybe I wasn't supposed to delete what was there first?
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)
